Rabu, 07 April 2010

HUMANITY (translated version of KEMANUSIAAN)

I think, whatever someone's religion or belief, the main dogma after the divinity and it's properties is sublime values of humanity.

but sometimes, people were blinded by their own ambition that was beautifully wrapped in a box of dogma in order to reach it. whatever the form is, if someone stated that he or she was religious, the truth is he or she had denied the main dogma of sublime values of humanity and even the dogma of his or her dogma of divinity [I don't think I have to discuss it any longer, you should have known it by yourself]

it's not a note for attacking a spesific religion. even it can be addressed to people who state that they have no religion. it's all about sublime values of humanity. a main dogma of religion that is very universal trough the border of gender, race, nation, and even the religion itself.

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